Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Climbing Rocky Ridge

This week I started my heavy duty Chemo. I had my first dose on Monday, and will have another dose on Thursday. I'm guessing about now those myeloma cells are wishing they had never seen the inside of my marrow. So far I am tolerating the Chemo, but apparently it takes one or two days for the side effects to kick in. Some people don't get super sick and with all the support I have, I know I will be fine. Friday they will put the stem cells back in my body. I guess it is rather anti-climatic putting the cells back. It is similar to getting a blood transfusion. Next week I get more Chemo on Monday and Thursday and then I wait for my immune system to recover. As soon as that happens, probably 2 weeks, I get to come home for 2 months.

I have my sister, Becca, staying with me. Everyone needs a Becca in their lives. She cooks, cleans, follows up on all my medical needs, and carries on a pretty good conversation. I have such a great family. Thanks to you all!

I am looking forward to a new grandson this month. Cherise, our daughter in law, would like to see him born on November 24. His Grandfather Owens however, would like to see him born on his birthday, December 3. The original due date was Dec. 6, and has been moved up to November 29. I guess he will come when he is ready.

My middle son, Shea, returned from SVU yesterday and I love having him back in the State. Jeff flew out to Virginia on Friday and watched Shea play his final football game on Saturday. They then loaded up the car and left early Sunday morning, driving 30 straight hours and meeting me at the Bone Marrow Clinic just as I finished my first treatment. What troopers!

I continue to see miracles happen each day. I know I am being blessed by all of your prayers. I also pray for all of you wonderful people that have been so generous and kind to our family. Thanks a bunch, and God bless.


Ashley said...

I'm glad to hear that Jeff and Shea made it home safe! They really made good time. You're so positive Carolyn. What a good example!

Renae said...

Yeah! I got onto your blog and even figured out how to leave you a comment. (I think.) What fun to be expecting a new grandchild! How many will this be for you now? From what I read, it sounds like things are going as they should be. That is great. You probably heard that Earl Roe passed away on the 10th? Gary and I made it to the viewing Friday. It was fun to see Bev. I haven't seen her in a long time. Had to ask if her eyes do that weird blinking thing they used to. Guess they don't anymore. Saw Michelle Holman's parents. Michelle lives in Morgan. You know, we are almost at the age where we could play together again in the Huntman Senior Games in St George. Think about it!! Hey, you and Jeff don't look to bad for 2 old farts!! You have a darling family from what I could tell from the 1 picture I saw of all of you. Least wise I am guessing it was all of you? Hang tough and
God bless!

flora said...

Fight, fight, fight!
Thinking about you today.